
Mai 28, 1999
357 new PhDs at Université de Montréal

At the Convocation ceremony to be held on May 28, Université de Montréal will award 357 doctorates to graduate level students. Université de Montréal is the second largest issuer of master's and doctoral degrees in Canada. For Louis Maheu, Dean of the Graduate Studies Faculty, "these new graduates are leaders in the knowledge based society Université de Montréal is proud to help build."

At this ceremony, four doctorates honoris causa will be awarded to nationally and internationally known personalities in recognition of their outstanding contribution in a particular field. The recipients are Pierre Dansereau, a pioneer in world ecology; Jeannine Guillevin Wood, for her outstanding career in the business world; Élie Wiesel, who received the Nobel Prize for peace in 1986, and Abraham Zaleznik, for his contribution to training students in management, business administration and leadership.

From June 1, 1998 to May 31, 1999, Université de Montréal will have awarded a total of 7972 degrees to its students, including 357 doctorates and 2187 master's degrees.


Élie Wiesel will be available to meet the media between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Friday May 28, 1999 in the Counsel room of the Theology Faculty of Université de Montréal
at 5255 Decelles, room 7038.

Source: Université de Montréal

Marie-Claude Chalvignac
Direction des communications
Telephone: (514) 343-7704
TéléPager: (514) 423-0651

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Dernière modification : 28 mai 1999